Measuring your Kitchen space is easy. Right? It's important to get it correct. So grab a friend and some sketch paper and jot down all of your measurement including floor to ceiling height, windows(s) to wall(s) width, windows(s) to ceiling(s) height, doorway to wall width, appliance location, etc..
2D Kitchen Floorplan Pricing starts at $0.39 per square foot.
We are able to simply perform the task at a reduced time with precise measurements.
Provide the measurements of your existing room to Kitchen Designers to obtain quotes.
Plan export to pdf, dwg (2D image with 3D - overlay measurements)
Laser Distance Measurement Accuracies of our BLK360:
Accuracy with favorable lighting conditions: +/- 4.0mm (5/32") @ 10 meter distance.
Accuracy with favorable lighting conditions +/- 7.0mm (9/32") @ 20 meter distance.